Ephesians 1: The Incredible Greatness of God

Ephesians 1: The Incredible Greatness of God

Ephesians stands as an amazing message to the Church on the grace of God and the unsearchable riches of our relationship with Him. This short letter has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to empower and challenge us to never stop growing in God’s grace.

From Chuck Swindoll on Ephesians, “The book of Ephesians hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors, designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. As we continue in our faith from day to day, month to month, and year to year, the temptation to get comfortable will always exist. However, Paul presented the gift of God in Christ and the benefits we receive so clearly that we cannot help but ask ourselves if our lives reflect that reality as they should.

How have you grown in your Christian life since you came to faith in Jesus Christ? The latter half of Ephesians makes clear that spiritual growth occurs primarily in community with others, iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17). Your Christian “walk” (in other words, your daily life) is to be characterized by unity, holiness, love, wisdom, and perseverance in spiritual warfare.

Maturity yields benefits in believers’ moral lives, but it extends far beyond that as well. Increased maturity benefits the community at large, leading us as Christians to present a more consistent witness to the working of God in our lives as well as protecting us from the harmful divisions and quarrels that have plagued so many communities throughout history.”

Overall Theme: Grow and Become Everything Has Called you to Be.

Key Verse: (Ephesians 2:10) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Let’s read it together.


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